Raising and Exceeding Your 2023 Church Budget

As we transition from 2022 to 2023, it's important to stay positive even during uncertainties as you lead and guide your congregations. Sometimes our attitude about the future makes the most difference and somehow makes things possible. When I was a pastor, this time of year wasn't that joyous for me because I struggled with the financial realities of our local church. I knew that on January 1, all the numbers returned to zero, and our team was climbing the ladder from the bottom to raise our annual budget. To be honest, I was very depressed this time of year until I was able to see things differently.

First, I realized God is not governed by the economy of the world. Even though society experiences economic depression and inflation, God's economy never does. As a matter of fact, God's economy is described as, "…God will meet your every need out of his riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19 CEB).

Second, I had to confront my fear with faith and begin living what I was teaching and preaching about generosity and really believe that God's intent for our congregation was to have more than enough.

Finally, I had to get strategic and apply a five-step process to our generosity appeals at our local church to create avenues for people to share their resources with the church and enable the church to reach its fullest financial potential.

In 2023, I will be leading a Generosity Cohort, teaching clergy and lay people how to raise and exceed their church's 2023 budgets. You may be thinking, "This guy is crazy; it's impossible to realize this type of goal in the current financial climate." First, I am not crazy, and second, I invite you to try it by joining our 2023 Normalizing Next® Generosity Cohort.

Here are a few questions you may have about the Cohort:


Q: When does the Cohort begin?

A: January 2023


Q: How often does the Cohort meet?

A: The Cohort meets quarterly in virtual sessions with me and other subject matter experts hosting a 2- to 3-hour virtual deep dive.


Q: What about resources?

A: Each month, Cohort participants will receive a coaching video and generosity templates to apply and contextualize in their context. Also, each Cohort participant/team will get a 1-hour quarterly coaching/strategy session.


Q: How do I know the Cohort will make a difference?

A: If you participate in the Cohort and apply the five steps, you will see additional financial generosity in your church.


Q: Is the Cohort for one person only?

A: The Cohort can be for a single person or for a team from a local church. Team participation is important.


Q: What is the cost, and how do I sign up?

A: We are currently running a Holiday special through January 6. For an annual investment of $2,800, you and your team will get monthly and quarterly resources from videos, coaching, subject matter experts, and generosity templates to help your local church achieve optimal financial generosity in 2023. Go here for more information.

Here is my question for you: What would your local church do with more generosity in 2023?

Hopeful Answer: Reach more people for Jesus Christ!


Having full-time faith