What’s your next?

What's your next? This is a question that we all must answer at some point in our lives. For some, figuring out what comes next is easy. They know exactly what they want to do and where they want to go. But for others, figuring out the next step can be more difficult. In my book, Normalizing Next®, I talk about how to figure out God's plan for your life and church. I believe that if we start with three key questions:

  • Who am I?

  • Where am I?

  • Whose am I?

Keeping the answers to these questions close will be important in your journey. Making a change isn't easy. Often those around us don't understand and question our vision. Whenever you make a personal decision about your life, there will be people that have issues with it. They will question your decision. It's not about you; it's about them. Moving into your next will require focus and sometimes making hard decisions.

We frequently choose other people, situations, fear, worry, or anxiety over ourselves. Choose yourself. Choose to move into your next even though it won't be easy and there will be difficulties along the way. Every day, learn how to start making the choice to choose yourself.

Along with choosing yourself will also be to choose your future. The purpose and plans of God for our lives are not fixed. They grow, change, and transform. They evolve, as long as we are receptive to what God has in store for us. In the following videos, I dive into key principles when finding and following your next. Watch to learn more:


What is your personal vision?